Program-Specific Email Messages

Thank you for your willingness to help write academic program-specific email messages to our prospective students! 

The goal is to have prospective students who express an interest in specific majors, minors and concentrations receive a short email from an alum who graduated from that program expressing the departmental culture, what they valued as a student, and how the program helped them in their career. 

These messages will be sent to students and we will not be including your contact information, so by agreeing to help you will only need to write the initial message. 

By filling out the form below, you will be agreeing to receive further email instructions, examples, and tips from Martin Hansknecht ‘20, Kalamazoo College’s Web Content Specialist. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Martin at 

Academic programs that you are willing to write a short message for
Academic programs that you are willing to write a short message for